The Renfrew Golf Club '100 Club' was introduced as an initiative in September 2016 to generate income for the club and give members regular chances to win some cash prizes. Throughout the year there are monthly prize draws with four prize winners - the top prize currently being £150 - and a extra special draw at Christmas of £600.
The income from the '100 Club' is distributed 50% for prizes with the remaining 50% being placed in a Club 'Improvement Fund', the spending of which is determined by a dedicated '100 Club Committee'. To date the '100 Club' proceeds have been used to purchase a defibrillator; two patios for seating outside the Clubhouse; directional and advertising signage; new practise nets; tools for the volunteer gardeners and essential equipment for behind the bar.
The cash prizes increase as the membership increases so both the winning members and the Club benefit. The minimum subscription from members is £5.00 per month which buys one number to be entered in the monthly draw. Additional numbers can be bought for £5 each. Members can opt to pay by standing order or annual payment by BACS, cash or cheque.
The rules governing membership of the Club and the application form which includes the required bank details for payment by Standing Order and BACS, are provided below.
'100 Club' Rules
Subscription Application
Announcement of Winners
The monthly winners are posted on the Clubs main noticeboard, circulated by email and uploaded on to the Club Facebook page using the following image.